Vinyl Siding

Vinyl sidings are the most inexpensive, readily available, easy to maintain, and arguably the most popular siding material in the market right now

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Maintenance Repairs

What is a Vinyl Siding?

If you’re wondering what they are, it’s essentially a long strip of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) made to mimic the look of other materials like wood and acts like a secondary layer of skin for your home. In the past vinyl sidings had a negative rep of being prone to breakage, cannot be painted over and whatnot. That isn’t really the case nowadays. Manufacturers have come a long way since then and the quality of the material as well as it’s looks have become exceptional over the years.

Why Is It Popular?

One simple reason – practicality. It’s the cheapest thing around and the material’s durability have proven itself for quite some time now. It can withstand strong winds up to 110 MPH and in the off chance that it breaks off, it’s easy to replace as well. You won’t need to repair the entire area as you would only be replacing the specific section that was broken. Amazing, right? Just a note though, a siding is only as good as it’s installer so make sure to hire proven contractors like us at GetPro Construction to do the job. Even if you have the best materials in the world if it’s not installed properly, a tiny gap in between the planks opens up a box full of headaches in the future.

Do you need to paint vinyl sidings? How long do the colors last

Majority of the traditional siding materials, if not all, typically have a layer of paint to finish up and make the house beautiful. For vinyls, that’s not the case cause the colors are already baked in during its manufacturing process. The color runs all the way through the entire material so you don’t have to worry about scratching the surface and stripping the paint. If you’re not into repainting your house every few years to keep it looking good, vinyl sidings might be the best choice for you as they will retain their color for much longer compared to any paint out there.


What are the color choices available for vinyl sidings?

Traditionally, old vinyl sidings only offered beige or other pastel colors. This is how they got the rep of being boring cause you’re limited to the color that the manufacturer gives you. However, techniques have progressed a lot during the process of making vinyl sidings so they now come in a variety of colors. Some even have deep rich colors or looks that imitate stained wood.


How much does it cost to have vinyl sidings?

Price is always the strongest suite of vinyls. Based on material cost alone excluding installation, fiber cement sidings can easily reach up to 2 to 4 times the price of vinyl. It depends on the area and brand of the vinyl that you’re buying but they will almost always be the cheapest option you can get.

How do you maintain Vinyl Sidings?

Due to it’s PVC nature, vinyl retains traits that are very good in terms of siding materials. Because of their slick surface, cobwebs, dust, and other debris slide right off and if they don’t, just get a garden hose and spray to your heart’s content. No need for power washer and you won’t have to worry about stripping the paint too.


How to Install Vinyl Sidings?

Technically you can do it yourself but it’s really safer to rely on GetPro Construction Contractors to do the job for you. You’d want to avoid do-overs or any flaws in the installation so it’s best to seek professional help. Even the smallest mistake in installation will get worse in the long run. Nails that are too tight can cause the material to expand, crack, bulge or even wrap around the nail head itself. Not everyone invested years of proper training and experience to attain certifications so go with a contractor that you trust.


What are the maintenance issues of vinyl sidings?

Many manufacturers will claim that their material can last up to 2 to 3 decades and in the perfect setting that might just be true. However, many factors like weather, climate, and other external factors will affect this timeline just like any other material out there. To give an example, dark colored vinyl sidings will fade faster in places with sunny climates. Painting over it isn’t really a good idea either. Power washing can push water into your house if the installation was a shoddy job so we’re reiterating the importance of having a professional do the job.

As with other materials, the vinyl planks will expand and contract a bit depending on the temperature change so splits or breaks can occur especially on the older ones. Watch out for those lawn mowers too – if you’re not careful those heavy duty machines can launch a rock to your sidings which might pierce through.

Can water/moisture build up under the vinyl siding?

Using wood for your sidings allows the wall to breathe to some extent. The tiny pores in them allow water vapor to pass through. With vinyls, this isn’t really the case as they are typically installed over a layer of insulation board which can trap moisture within the wall cavity. Professional installers can mitigate this issue during installation and caulking property. Water resistant house wraps should also be installed under the planks itself. This is where the experienced contractor skill kicks in, careless nails can puncture the protective materials put in place to combat the moisture issue so you really need to have a pro do this step.

Is vinyl siding bad for the environment?

Even though builders can earn LEED points when using vinyl sidings, there is no official support from the government to certify that vinyl sidings are better for the environment compared to more traditional materials. Some may argue that the manufacturing process produces harmful gasses. That being said, manufacturers have really stepped up their game when it comes to the production of vinyl. Safety standards are observed very well and studies are inconclusive in determining that vinyl sidings can indeed cause health problems.

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