Having outdated design choices for the interior of your home can be quite a challenge. Unbeknownst to some, there are still homeowners who still cling to these decors hoping to recreate the feel and nostalgia that was the trend with homes of the past. You might’ve come across some of these properties – or you might have bought one yourself! A complete overhaul of the interior design not only takes a lot of your time, it digs deep into your pockets too. This is when striking the right balance is crucial. Here’s how you can pull off that vintage look and use it to your advantage!


These items are what defines a vintage home. Not only that, they cement the idea of living in that specific time period that the homeowner is after. They send those who view them on a trip back in time that modern and newer items can’t achieve. However, doesn’t mean that it’s old, it doesn’t mean that it’s of value in your home’s design. 

If you plan to use these antiques, regardless of the time period, make sure that they’re in good or excellent condition. If it shows signs that it has gone through its fair share of wear and tear, then it’s probably not a good idea to add them to your living space. 

Consider these three factors in evaluating the item’s condition:

  • Weight – antique items usually weigh more than the conventional and modern items of today. Why? It’s often a sign that these items were made from real, organic material rather than mass-produced variation you can find nowadays. 
  • Discoloration – you can often find a little discoloration with these items, and dealing with them is often dealt with objectively. A small amount of rust or discoloration can easily be dealt with restoration, without sacrificing the item’s feel. However, if it shows signs that it has gone through too much, it may be best not to use the item entirely.
  • Sturdiness – make sure that the item can stand on its own – and that may mean literally! If it feels shaky for some reason, try to address the cause. A loose nail or screw can easily be handled. Wood rot, on the other hand, may not be worth the time to fix at all as it will tremendously jack up the price needed to restore the item.


Once you’ve decided on which of these items to add, make them your focal point. This is the first thing that someone’s eyes are drawn to once they enter your household. By doing so, this sets a fresh and inspired tone for the rest of your home’s design. 

For example, antique furniture should take center stage in your living space. Not only is this functional, this lets anyone entering the home know what they’re in for. You could throw in a vintage coffee table or a couple of accent chairs into the mix as well.

If this doesn’t play well with the design you’re looking for, large decorative items can also play an important role. An antique mirror, piece of wall art or well-kept rugs can carry the room or living area. 


A few polka dots here and there can take you back to the 1950s whereas rich, saturated reds can take you to the Victorian era. Whatever design choices you choose from (or whatever’s currently present in the house you’ve bought), including these elements in your design has a definitive payoff with minimal to no effort at all.

Of course, this is only applicable provided that it’s done right. You always want to read about the time period that your home’s design is after. Try to find an image of what houses from that era used to follow, and use them as a design inspiration for your current home.


Too much can definitely be overwhelming. If you’re planning to sell your house in the near future, your buyer wouldn’t want to buy a home that resembles their grandmother’s. Though antiques are quite lovely, building an entire room around them is pretty unrealistic – not to mention, distasteful. You’re aiming for an interior design that’s more like a nod to nostalgia, not an ancient ruin or relic of the past. 

The best vintage designs are inspired by tradition and feel appropriately in place in the present day. To achieve this look, try to mix in modern items together with your vintage-inspired ones. Remember, consistency is key. You want your vintage or vintage-inspired and modern items to mix well together. Don’t limit the design in your living space. You essentially need to carry similar detailing throughout the rest of the household so the home feels both cohesive and intentional.
It’s not hard to see why some homeowners cling to vintage interior designs. There’s something appealing about paying homage to the feel of days gone by. There’s always a limit to how much of them you can use to prevent going overboard though. That’s why it’s important to consult with professionals in these cases. GetPro Construction is composed of such professionals capable of handling any construction and home renovation concerns in the Metro Detroit market. To learn more about our services, contact us at (734) 822-9595 or reach out to us via email at